VM pricing - RimuHosting
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VPS pricing

Disk Space 1,512MB 2,048MB 4,096MB 8,192MB 16,384MB
4GB 12.38 NZD 12.69 NZD 22.01 NZD 37.44 NZD 68.30 NZD
6GB 13.55 NZD 13.86 NZD 23.25 NZD 38.67 NZD 69.53 NZD
8GB 14.26 NZD 14.57 NZD 23.98 NZD 39.41 NZD 70.27 NZD
12GB 15.67 NZD 15.98 NZD 25.46 NZD 40.88 NZD 71.74 NZD
16GB 17.39 NZD 17.78 NZD 27.38 NZD 42.80 NZD 73.67 NZD
32GB 23.19 NZD 23.58 NZD 32.57 NZD 49.96 NZD 81.35 NZD
48GB 31.85 NZD 32.24 NZD 37.77 NZD 55.16 NZD 89.03 NZD

We use 'market' pricing.  So pricing for a new order will vary in real time based on things like what host servers we have available.

At Auckland you can add extra data transfer allowances from 0.028 NZD/GB/month and secondary IPs from 3.50 NZD per IP address per month.

A sample IP at this location (e.g. for ping tests) is