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Fantastic, you guys are great. Thanks again for helping me get off the ground so easily!

- Mike (after getting his new VPS, and us doing a custom PHP5 and MySQL 4 install on it) (#270/339)
Home > Support > Support statistics

Support Queue Snapshot

Currently in the Support Queue2
Currently Being Worked On0

Support Queue Statistics

Over Last 12 hours 30 days
Received2136How many requests we have received from customers (including ones to which we have yet to respond)
Seen InNA197 secondsTime before the request is seen and prioritized
Staff Started Working On Requests InNA126 minutesTime between receiving the request and us starting to work on it
Time To Handle RequestNA46 minutesTime between starting to work on a request and sending off the reply
Responded InNA15 hoursTime from when we received the request to when we responded to it

The times listed are the times to deal with most (70%) of the requests.

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How our support system works: