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VPS Pricing

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13.46 NZD/month

1,024 MB memory
4 GB disk
40 GB data transfer allowance

Any data center

VPS Plans

You can customize your settings in the next step.


-- -- /month

-- MB memory
-- GB disk
-- GB data transfer allowance

-- -- /month

-- MB memory
-- GB disk
-- GB data transfer allowance

-- -- /month

-- MB memory
-- GB disk
-- GB data transfer allowance

Dedicated Server Features

Supported Distros Centos
Network Multi-homed BGP bandwidth
Data Center Staffing24x7
Perfect For JSP Hosting
JBoss J2EE Hosting
Web Development
Business Web Site
MySQL Database Server
High Traffic Sites
...Any Task
IP Address Options 1-32 IPs
Hosting Control Panels (cPanel, Plesk, Virtualmin) Opt
RAID Options? Yes.  RAID1, RAID10, RAID6 and RAID5 over up to 8 drives
Root Access Yes.  If it doesn't have root access, we don't sell it.
Any Linux software you can name It's either installed already, or you can install it
Extras Included DNS Manager; Backup FTP Space
Support Smart Linux support sysadmins, who go the extra mile for you

If you needed a different setup (e.g. more or bigger disks, or more memory), let us know and we will help.

Pricing Information

Special Offers

Recommend Us To a Friend And Get Hosting Credits

Recommend our service to a friend or colleague.  Have them mention your name and this offer on the order confirmation page.  We will give you a $15 hosting credit when they sign up.

Open Source Developer Discounts

A lot of the tools and services we provide are based on open source projects.  We try to give something back to that community.  If you are an open source developer, tell us about your project when you order and ask for an open source developer discount.

Prepayment Discounts

You can prepay your hosting if you wish.  Just let us know when you wish to do that.  If you prepay 12 months we will add an extra month for no extra cost on our VPS plans.  If you already host with us, just pop in a support ticket and tell us you wish to prepay for 12 months.  If you are about to put in a new order, just tell us you wish to prepay for 12 months on the order confirmation page.

Discounts for Multiple VPSs

If you have a VPS with us and then order another VPS we will automatically drop $10 from the VPS setup fee and discount the monthly fee by 10%.  This offer does not apply to dedicated servers.